Episode 12: The Label Maker

Episode #98; 6:12

Our Summary

Kramer and Newman are in the midst of an intense game of Risk, which ends in disaster because of the Ukraine being weak. George is dating a gal with a male roommate, Scott, who has great furniture. He convinces her to have the roommate leave, when he realizes he made a huge mistake because "he was handling half the workload" and that all of the furniture was his. In order to break up with her, he tries to use his threesome trick from last episode (6:11 The Switch), but again it backfires because they want to do it with George. Jerry can't go to the super bowl b/c The Drake's wedding is on Super Bowl Sunday. So he gives the tickets to Tim Whatley. Meanwhile Elaine gave him a label maker baby as a gift, but he gives it to Jerry (a regift), then tries to go upstairs with Elaine, who doesn't realize he means sex, and then agrees to go with him to Super Bowl Sunday, where he thinks a romp will occur. Jerry notifies Elaine of Whatley's intentions, she tells him we ain't sleeping together, he takes back the ticket and gives it to Jerry (a degift to Elaine), and then Elaine catches him that he did this, but then they make out and Jerry goes with Newman to the Super Bowl, who also got all of Scott's stuff b/c the labels fell off of his boxes.

Our Commentary

This excellent episode doesn't make the Top 50, but is still hilarious nevertheless. Beautiful Tim Whatley and Newman join in the fun and add some laughter to the Risk game between Newman and Kramer, Ukraine is weak, regifter, degifter, upstairs invite, superbowl sex romp; ensconced in velvet; and an oft quoted line in this household, right downtown. Overall, a great episode. Adam - Funny episode. A lot of good stuff in it. Not good enough to make the Top 50, but still on the brink, on the brink.

EPISODE GUIDE from Jerry Seinfeld: The Entire Domain by Kathleen Tracy

98."The Label Maker" (January 1, 1995)

SUMMARY Elaine and Jerry suspect a friend of being a re-gifter after he gives Jerry a label maker identical to one Elaine gave the friend. Jerry can't use his Super Bowl tickets because he's best man at a wedding taking place on Super Bowl Sunday. George dates a woman with a male roommate. Kramer and Newman play a game of Risk.

SEINFELD-ESE Re-gifter--someone who gets a gift, then turns around and gives it to someone else.

DIRECTOR Andy Ackerman

TELEPLAY Alec Berg and Jeff Schaffer

GUEST CAST Cleto Augusto (Scott); Jessica Tuck (Bonnie); Wayne Grace (Ukranian)

RECURRING CAST Wayne Knight (Newman); Bryan Cranston (Whatley)


2nd Siyum


Tim Whatley

Things Jerry Calls Newman
You’re not a little anything

3rd Siyum

Things We Have No Clue About
Mae West

Repeating the name of the gift


205 West End Ave. Scott Thomas' Apt.

Full Script